Beginning of Ragger Program for Me

Beginning of Ragger Program for Me

What kind of impact does the Rag Program have? It has a life changing impact.  That kind of impact drew me to support and encourage the Ragger Program at my camp. I started working at a Y camp back in 2005. There was no Ragger Program that year, but the executive director had a vision to help his camp put the “C” back into the YMCA. As the program director, that year he wanted me to start heading that vision. We did simple things to bring the “C” in our programming that first year. We did Bible devotions with staff, introducing camp wide end of the night Bible devotions and encouraged cabin leaders, if comfortable, to do the same in their cabin devotions. With any kind of change there is always some push back, but nearly all accepted and were respectful to the changes. The next summer we introduced the Ragger Program.

The summer of 2006 we introduced the Ragger Program to our staff during staff training. If I remember right we had 90% of our staff participate in the program that first year. We casted the vision and shared that not everyone may want to participate in the program, but to invite all to be a part of it. What I love about the Ragger Program is that is meets each of the participants where they are at, but encourages them to grow every day after. It is similar to my faith in Christ that He meets us where we are at, but we grow each and every day as we follow Him. It is also similar with my relationship with Christ, it is open to everyone but not everyone will want it either.

The first blue rag challenge to serve God, serve country, and better your self is a simple self reflection on where we are and where we can grow. I loved sitting with a new blue Ragger and when we mentored them about their challenges the serving God it was an open door to talk about what they believe in God or for some even hearing about God possibly for the first time. Accepting the challenge to serve God seemed a bit weird to some if they didn’t even know who God was. The Ragger Program I saw was a great opportunity for participants to start the own journey and find out for themselves who they say God is. It was also a great way to disciple campers that if they already believed in God to encourage them how can they strength their relationship with Him in the coming year.

When the Rag Program started back in the early 1900’s a majority of Americans had faith interwoven in their life. The commitment to serve God was a great self reflection challenge on how we could grow in that area. In the 21st century having that challenge of serving God leave some bewildered or even wanting to change the challenge all together. Over the past 50 years there has been a decline of people in America living a life with any faith in God. The Ragger Program was and is an open door to start having conversations about faith and what it means to the individual to believe in God and serve Him. It does not say what you have to believe but for them to start thinking for themselves of what they do believe.

Every camp introduces campers to new experiences and new skills. It may be physical skills such as archery, canoeing, or extreme sports like paintball or skateboarding. We know as camp professionals that campers grow emotionally and socially with interdependent, confidence, friendship making, and responsiblity.  At a Y camp we have the opportunity to introduce campers perhaps for the first time in talks about faith and God.

I had great faith conversations with campers and staff over the past couple years while I lead at that Y Camp with the Rag Program. We had staff members and campers that were Jewish, agnostic, and Christian that participated in our program. We did not change the program for them, but encouraged all to participate and to listen and learn from a Christian Worldview. Those that participated took what they wanted from it and many continued with it year after year. We never forced our faith values, but provided a safe space for conversation and growth about our spirituallity. As leadership staff we lead with the core vaules of Y including faith.

Side note: I know there are many different kind of experiences that people may have had growing up in church or hearing about churches in general. The church that I grew up in never swayed in their belief system because people that entered the church disagreed or had issues with our faith statement. Our church loved and accepted everyone, just as God loves and accepts everyone as well. What many people don’t realize is that God’s love and acceptance of you is life changing. When you accept His love it transforms you. Hence why most churches don’t deviate from their belief in God’s love- they know the church doesn’t change people, God changes people. In time people with differing views of a church would decided to leave or decide to learn more. A healthy church won’t force anything on you, but encourage you to grow from where you are today to a better tomorrow.

Sure over the years the Y has diminished the role of their Christian faith influence, but each Y is built with individuals that lead their local organization. The beauty of working at the Y is that we have the freedom to share our faith and worldview with everyone that we serve. If you are a follower of Christ you have a great opportunity to share with this next generation a faith in Christ. As I reflect on my time at my Y Camp and the Ragger Program, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the program and its leadership. It allowed me as a leader to grow and to encourage others to grow too!

The Y mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Are you, as a leader, open and willing to grow? Will you learn more about the faith that was transformational for the first leaders in the YMCA and for many today? Or are you a leader now that is a Christ follower and willing to share your faith or start conversations with others and encourage them to grow in their faith? If your Y Camp does not have the Ragger Program but interested in starting it feel free to reach out or if your Y Camp has the Rag program I would love to hear about your Rag Story by sending an email to

With a Heart of Service and Continuing a Great Tradition,

Lesa C.

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